Laundry, Simple, Not Easy

My thoughts on why the laundry business is so popular.
Laundry, Simple, Not Easy
photo by Museums Victoria
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Laundry Owners Warehouse also sells new commercial laundry equipment and is a proud member of the Dexter Laundry family, “Made in the USA” since 1894.

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I've been speaking to people in and out of the industry about the high interest in laundromats. 

I took a look at the business from a personal perspective to understand why. There's something special about laundromats and I believe that's the draw.

Here are just a few reasons laundromats are special:

Accessibility of the Business

Let's start with my dad. A gentleman with a wealth of business know-how but not much formal education. He found himself the owner of a building with a laundromat and a barbershop when he bought the building to expand his grocery store business. 

Thank goodness he kept the laundromat and not the barbershop. Trust me, you wouldn't want me cutting your hair! 

I owe Jordan a hair cut.

He was able to learn the business in a short amount of time. Layering his prior business experience on the laundromat made it more successful.

The Simplicity of the Business

If you've ever done your own laundry, you're already a quarter of the way to understanding how a laundromat works. It's just water, soap, washers, and dryers. 

Compare that to running a restaurant — that's a huge learning curve! Give me the simplicity of a laundromat any day. But don't mistake simplicity for easy.

The Forgiving Learning Curve

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