Papercuts of Quoting

So small, but painful to your business
Papercuts of Quoting
photo by Henry & Co.
Table of Contents

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Have you ever been asked to provide commercial laundry services?

…And you weren't sure what charge?

…And you weren't sure if the price you quoted would be profitable?

Well, today we will look at how we use The 4-Point Commercial Quoting System to get the price and profit right.

Several weeks ago, I had the privilege to present it at the Commercial Laundry Cohort class, conducted by Jordan Berry and David Laing.

I’ll tell you what I told them: Incorrect pricing can lead your business to a slow death of a thousand paper cuts. Ouch!

Let’s dive in:

Don’t want to read the full email? Watch the video instead!

4-Point Commercial Quoting System

The 4 Point Commerical Quoting System

  1. Research: Discovery Phase
  2. Numbers: Know What It Costs (KWIC)
  3. Proposal: Your Story
  4. Follow Up

Step 1. Research: Discovery Phase

  • Gather Information From Potential Client
    • Their contact info
    • Why they are looking for service
    • Did they have someone before/currently
    • Why the change
    • Items they want serviced
    • Turn around time
    • PUD or they will drop off
    • Folding requirements
    • Packing requirements
    •  [Add your needed information here]
  • Create a Client Questionnaire (Grab mine here) It's easier to get more detailed information from the prospect through the form than over the phone. You might not remember every question, the prospect might need to look up information, or the prospect might need to hurry off the call. A few tips to help:
    •  Information deep dive
    •  Be detailed, but not overly detailed
    •  Email during discovery

Step 2. Numbers: Know What It Costs (KWIC)

Knowing your numbers is a key part of whether or not you make a profit.

  • Know What It Costs (KWIC) you to perform the service
    • Look at every expense involved
      • Labor
      • Supplies
      • Customization
      • Client preferences
    • Use The KYC&P (Know Your Cost & Profit) Spreadsheet to calculate all our expenses and profit
    • Keep in mind that commercial doesn't always mean a discount
KYC&P (Know Your Cost & Profit) Spreadsheet
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